Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ashik vs NM Romulo Fuentes, Tuesday Night Marathon, June 2014, Round 3

I defeated my first strong opponent in this cycle of Tuesday Night Marathon that started last month in Mechanics Chess Institute, San Francisco. National Master Romulo Fuentes was white against me in 3rd round and so naturally I replied with Sicillian Dragon. Interestingly, we played exactly the same opening a year and half back until my 17th move where I made an improvement. That game I lost despite being a pawn up initially as Romulo is an aggressive player will sacrifice a pawn for initiative without thinking twice. It happened in this game also, but this time I defended preciously.

As a result of this game I and Natalya are jointly leading the tournament with 3 out of 3. So I know ahead of time she is going to be my next opponent!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ashik vs Richard Newey, Tuesday Night Marathon, June 2014, Round 2

Ashik vs Toktok, Tuesday Night Marathon, MIC, June 2014

Ashik vs Andrw Zhang Hong, Best of the West, Santa Clara Marriott, Round 6

Ashik vs Tran Bguan, Best of the West, Santa Clara Marriott, Round 5

Ashik vs Hovik Manvelyan, Santa Clara Marriott, Round 4

Ashik vs Arhant Katare, Best of the West, Santa Clara Marriott, Round 3

Ashik vs William Li Jr, Best of the West, Santa Clara Marriott, Round 2

Ashik vs Archit Dasika, Best of the West, Santa Clara Marriott, Round 1

Ashik vs Keyven Riese, Friday Night Marathon, May 2014, Round 5

Ashik vs Shafieen Ibrahim, Friday Night Marathon, Round 4